I’m Al Geas. I live in Tbilisi, where I program the future.

I hail from the humble beginnings of Siberia, a place where the winters are as long as the vodka bottles are tall. But life has a way of pulling you in different directions, and it tugged me across the globe, through a parade of cultures and traditions, each leaving an indelible mark on me. Now, here I am, nestled in the gem that is Tbilisi, where the wine is as rich as the history.

My passion for creation made its debut when I was 11. The project? A modest portal for role-playing enthusiasts. It was just a small start, but that's all it took. From there, it's been an ongoing mission to learn, create, and enhance.

I was introduced to the world of technology at the sprightly age of 13, taking my first steps into what would become a lifelong passion. It wasn't until I turned 17, however, that I officially stepped into the professional realm of programming. Since then, I\'ve journeyed through a multitude of companies, each of varying sizes and ambitions, picking up a wealth of knowledge along the way.

A few years ago, I had a realization, one of those quiet moments of clarity that sneak up on you. I wanted to create products with a deeper purpose, ones that would foster social connections and mutual understanding. This was the seed that grew into Yarn, a sincere, no-frills application aimed at helping people form and nurture genuine friendships.

Today, I continue to tread this path, spurred on by a passion for creating meaningful relationships through technology. Reflecting on this journey, I am reminded of a quote by the legendary Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." This has been my guiding light as I navigate the winding road of creation, and with each step, I hope to bring a little bit of that magic into the world.